airspring Airlift, SZ-55-20, 3 mm transparent air pipe

(per stuk) Linnepe

airspring Airlift, SZ-55-20, 3 mm transparent air pipe
airspring Airlift, SZ-55-20, 3 mm transparent air pipe
airspring Airlift, SZ-55-20, 3 mm transparent air pipe
airspring Airlift, SZ-55-20, 3 mm transparent air pipe
airspring Airlift, SZ-55-20, 3 mm transparent air pipe
airspring Airlift, SZ-55-20, 3 mm transparent air pipe
airspring Airlift, SZ-55-20, 3 mm transparent air pipe
airspring Airlift, SZ-55-20, 3 mm transparent air pipe
165,00 *Prices include VAT
Manufacturer Linnepe
Article code99999906047
5 star(s) in 1 review(s) Write a review
Air bellow (SZ-55-20) for Linnepe Airlift auxiliary air system. Replacement airbag.
Air bellow (SZ-55-20) for Linnepe Airlift auxiliary air system.

> Supplier: Linnepe
> Supplier item number: 20254
> Connection for 3 mm air pipe (transparent), implementation until 2010
> Comes with the 3 mm hole in the bellows coupling (glued)

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Brand Linnepe
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